Some of you may recall I have a friend who just got back from the Annual Meeting and was eager to tell me the "historic and exciting" information that she learned...I had lunch with her drum roll please......
The King of the North is.....Russia!!!.... I KNOW... didn't they already think that? And the answer is yes. But they now also think the prophecy of the "pushing" between the King of the North (Anglo-American world powers and their allies) and King of the South (Russia and their Allies) is being fulfilled now as evidenced by the persecution (banning of JWs and their bible being labeled "extremist" material) .... and of course the interference of Russia in the current political cycles of the US....
Plus the Ezekiel book, the cartoon, and the new book for the giving speakers counsel for their talks.
So, that was the earth shattering information. (YAWN).
She did however tell me something that I've never heard or read, and I wondered what anyone else know about it...WT owns a fiber optics company that was developed by graduate students at a university - lead by a JW professor. This company is owned by WT and has Bethelites working along side non-JW employees. The person who hosted them for the Annual meeting is a "supervisor" of this project.
Maybe this is no big deal, but it makes me wonder what other companies like this the WT owns and how this plays into how they shift their money around to avoid detection.
Frankly, it was the most interesting thing she said about the JWs during the whole lunch.
Anyway....eagerly awaiting your comments. :-)